Hazard & Risk Assessment

Every company in Kenya is under a legal duty to arrange for a "competent person" to assess all health and safety risks in their workplace. We can provide for a qualified health and safety consultant to carry out a full hazard and risk assessment review on your behalf, including fire risk assessment, general risk assessment, and health and safety training assessments.

The Workplace assessments provides a powerful, cost-effective solution for companies and facilities seeking to improve workplace conditions efficiently and in accordance with widely accepted industry standards and best practices.

Workplace assessments addresses the following and more:

♦   Health and Safety (General Work Facility, Emergency Preparedness, Occupational Injury, Machine Safety, Safety Hazards, Chemical and
     Hazardous Material)
♦   Quality Management Systems (Documentation and Records, Worker Feedback and Participation, Audits and Corrective Action Process)
♦   Environment (Legal Compliance, Environmental Management Systems, Waste and Air Emissions)

Workplace assessments benefits your business by enabling:

♦   Improved work conditions for a more content, healthier and productive workforce
♦   Better decision-making support based on real-time data and knowledge management
♦   Good corporate governance and ‘preferred supplier’ status for implementing a program that is in full accordance with industry best practices
♦   Improved confidence in partnerships with suppliers through greater transparency and trust